Thursday, 20 October 2011

Introduction to Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

20 October 2011
Thursday 4.04 p.m.

What I have said before, this semester I have taken the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) subject. When I was registered it, the question pertaining to this subject always come out in my mind. What is HRIS? What its functions? How it is? Why need to study this subject? and others. I am so curious at that time. And it begins when I have entered the Dr. NurNaha lecture for the first meeting. When I met Dr.NurNaha for the first time, I look her face very serious, I feel scared but actually she is a very nice person ^_^ I am very happy and comfortable with her. I like the way she smile and deliver her lecture. In the first meeting I have learnt about the introduction to HRIS. After learnt this topic, I know what actually the HRIS. What is HRIS?

 What is HRIS?

HRIS is actually the combination of the Human Resource Management (HRM) and Information Technology (IT). The HRIS system is very important in order to help the HR practitioner to perform their task efficiently. What is IS?. IS is a system, whether automated or manual, that comprises people, machines, and methods organized to collect, process, transmit, and disseminate data that represent user information. The emergence of that technology has transformed the HR role to be more efficient. I also learnt about the historical evolution of HRM and HRIS. The application of IT in HRM role is begin from Pre-World War II, Post-World War II, social issues era, cost-effective era, until technological advancement era and the emergence of strategic HRM which is the utilization of this advance technology become more significant in each HRM role in each organization. The evolution era of IT in HRM has realized me towards the importance of utilization of IT in HRM in order to make the HRM more efficient.

  1. J.Kavanagh, Michel, Gueutal, Hal G., Tannenbaum, Scott I. (1990). Human Resource Information Systems: Development and Application. PWS-KENT publishing Company Boston, Massachusetts
  2. J.Walker, Alfred, Perrin, Towers. (2003). Web-Based Human Resources: The Technologies and Trends That Are Transforming HR. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.

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